The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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Text File
485 lines
; ZAPCODE Printer Make File (PMF) ;
; for the Hewlett Packard LaserJet III.;
; ;
; (C) Copyright 1990 Robert L. Morton ;
; All Rights Reserved ;
PRINTER = "Hewlett Packard LaserJet III"
RESET = 27,69
NAME = "Line Feed"
DESC = "Move to next print line while"
"maintaining the current column"
CODES = 10
NAME = "Form Feed"
DESC = "Move to the first line at the top"
"of the next page while maintaining"
"the current column position."
"(Eject the page)"
CODES = 12
NAME = "Half Line Feed"
DESC = "Performs same function as line feed"
"but moves print head half the"
CODES = 27,61
NAME = "Select Number of Copies"
DESC = "Select the number of copies to"
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please enter number of copies to"
"print in ASCII."
" "
"Example: Entering ""25"" selects 25"
"copies to print."
NAME = "Select Paper Source"
DESC = "Select current paper source:"
"tray, manual feed, manual envelope,"
"or lower cassette tray."
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please select paper source by"
"entering one of the following ASCII"
" "
"""0"" - Eject Page"
"""1"" - Paper Tray Auto Feed"
"""2"" - Manual Feed"
"""3"" - Manual Envelope Feed"
" "
"Example: Entering ""1"" selects the"
"paper tray auto feed."
NAME = "Select Character Set"
DESC = "Select active character (symbol)"
CODES = 27,40,0
"Please select desired character"
"set by entering codes to the right"
"in ASCII:"
" "
"Character Set Enter"
"-------------------- -----------"
"ISO 60:Norwegian 1 ""0D"""
"ISO 61:Norwegian 2 ""1D"""
"ISO 4:United Kingdom ""1E"""
"ISO 25:French ""0F"""
"ISO 69:French ""1F"""
"HP German ""0G"""
"ISO 21:German ""1G"""
"ISO 15:Italian ""0I"""
"ISO 14:JIS ASCII ""0K"""
"ISO 57:Chinese ""2K"""
"ECMA-94 Latin 1 ""0N"""
"ISO 11:Swedish ""0S"""
"HP Spanish ""1S"""
"ISO 17:Spanish ""2S"""
"ISO 10:Swedish ""3S"""
"ISO 16:Portuguese ""4S"""
"ISO 84:Portuguese ""5S"""
"ISO 85:Spanish ""6S"""
"ISO 6:ASCII ""0U"""
"ISO 2:IRV ""2U"""
"Roman8 ""8U"""
"PC-8 ""10U"""
"PC-8 (D/N) ""11U"""
"PC 850 ""12U"""
" "
"(Additional symbol sets are"
"supported. Refer to your manual.)"
" "
"Example: Entering ""8U"" selects the"
"Roman8 character set."
NAME = "Select Typeface"
DESC = "Select current typeface."
CODES = 27,40,115,0
"Please select a typeface by"
"entering one of the following ASCII"
" "
"""3"" - Courier"
"""4148"" - Univers"
"""0"" - LinePrinter"
"""4101"" - CG Times"
" "
"(Many more typefaces are supported."
"Refer to your manual for details.)"
" "
"Example: Entering ""4101"" selects"
"CG Times typeface."
NAME = "Select Primary Font As Default"
DESC = "Select the primary font as the"
"default font."
CODES = 27,40,51,64
NAME = "Select Secondary Font As Default"
DESC = "Select the secondary font as the"
"default font."
CODES = 27,41,51,64
NAME = "Delete All Fonts"
DESC = "Delete all fonts."
CODES = 27,42,99,48,70
NAME = "Delete All Temporary Fonts"
DESC = "Delete all temporary fonts."
CODES = 27,42,99,49,70
NAME = "Select Font With ID #"
DESC = "Select the current font by"
"specifying its ID #."
CODES = 27,40,0
"Please enter the ID # of the font"
"you wish to select in ascii."
NAME = "Proportional Spacing ON"
DESC = "Activate proportional spacing."
"Spacing between letters is adjusted"
"to compensate for the varying"
"widths of individual characters."
CODES = 27,40,115,49,80
NAME = "Proportional Spacing OFF"
DESC = "Deactivate proportional spacing."
CODES = 27,40,115,48,80
NAME = "Select Current LPI"
DESC = "Set the current lines per inch."
"This is the number of lines that"
"can be printed in an inch of space."
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please select new lpi setting by"
"entering one of the following ASCII"
" "
"""1"" - 1 line/inch"
"""2"" - 2 line/inch"
"""3"" - 3 line/inch"
"""4"" - 4 line/inch"
"""6"" - 6 line/inch"
"""8"" - 8 line/inch"
"""12"" - 12 line/inch"
"""16"" - 16 line/inch"
"""24"" - 24 line/inch"
"""48"" - 48 line/inch"
" "
"Example: Entering ""6"" selects 6"
"lines per inch."
NAME = "Select Pitch"
DESC = "Set the number of characters per"
"inch. This is the number of"
"characters that can be printed in"
"an inch of space."
CODES = 27,40,115,0
"Please enter new characters per"
"inch in ascii."
" "
"Example: Entering ""12"" sets 12"
"characters per inch."
NAME = "Select Pitch Mode"
DESC = "Select pitch mode."
CODES = 27,38,107,0
"Please select pitch mode by"
"entering one of the following ascii"
" "
"""0"" - 10.0"
"""2"" - 16.5-16.7 (Compressed)"
"""4"" - 12.0 (Elite)"
" "
"Example: Entering ""2"" selects"
"compressed pitch mode."
NAME = "Select Point Size Height"
DESC = "Select point size height."
CODES = 27,40,115,0
"Please enter number of points to"
"set height at in ascii."
" "
"Example: Entering ""12"" sets point"
"size to 12."
NAME = "Select Stroke Weight"
DESC = "Select stroke weight to be used"
"from ultra thin to ultra black."
CODES = 27,40,115,0
"Please select stroke weight by"
"entering one of the following ascii"
" "
"""-7"" - Ultra Thin"
"""-6"" - Extra Thin"
"""-5"" - Thin"
"""-4"" - Extra Light"
"""-3"" - Light"
"""-2"" - Demi Light"
"""-1"" - Semi Light"
"""0"" - Medium (normal)"
"""1"" - Semi Bold"
"""2"" - Demi Bold"
"""3"" - Bold"
"""4"" - Extra Bold"
"""5"" - Black"
"""6"" - Extra Black"
"""7"" - Ultra Black"
" "
"Example: Entering ""4"" selects extra"
"bold stroke weight."
NAME = "Italics ON"
DESC = "Activate italics print. Characters"
"are slanted to the right."
CODES = 27,40,115,49,83
NAME = "Italics OFF"
DESC = "Deactivate italics print."
CODES = 27,40,115,48,83
NAME = "Underline ON"
DESC = "Activate underline print."
"Characters, including the space,"
"are underscored with a floating or"
"fixed line."
CODES = 27,38,100,0
"Please select type of underline by"
"entering one of the following"
"ASCII values:"
" "
"""0"" - Fixed"
"""3"" - Floating"
" "
"Example: Entering ""3"" activates"
"floating underline."
NAME = "Underline OFF"
DESC = "Deactivate underline print."
CODES = 27,38,100,64
NAME = "Set Paper Size"
DESC = "Set the current paper size. Paper"
"size is the physical size of the"
"paper being used."
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please select a paper size by"
"entering one of the following ASCII"
" "
" ""1"" - Exec 7 1/4"" x 10 1/2"""
" ""2"" - Letter 8 1/2"" x 11"""
" ""3"" - Legal 8 1/2"" x 14"""
" ""26"" - A4 210mm x 297mm"
" ""80"" - Monarch 3 7/8"" x 7 1/2"""
" ""81"" - COM 10, 4 1/8"" x 9 1/2"""
" ""90"" - DL 110mm x 220mm"
" ""91"" - C5 162mm x 229mm"
" "
"Example: Entering ""3"" selects legal"
"size paper."
NAME = "Set Page Length"
DESC = "Set the current page length. Page"
"length is the actual length of the"
"""page"" you wish to print on a sheet"
"of paper."
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please define page length by"
"entering the number of lines in"
" "
"Example: Entering ""66"" sets the"
"current page length to 66 printed"
NAME = "Select Orientation"
DESC = "Select portrait, landscape, reverse"
"portrait, or reverse landscape"
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please select orientation by"
"entering one of the following"
"ascii values:"
" "
"""0"" - Portrait"
"""1"" - Landscape"
"""2"" - Reverse Portrait"
"""3"" - Reverse Landscape"
" "
"Example: Entering ""1"" selects"
"landscape orientation."
NAME = "Select Print Direction"
DESC = "Specify degrees of rotation in 90"
"degree counterclockwise increments."
CODES = 27,38,97,0
"Please enter number of degrees"
"rotation in 90 degree counter-"
"clockwise increments (in ascii)."
" "
"Example: Entering ""180"" specifies"
"a 180 degree rotation."
NAME = "Perforation Skip ON"
DESC = "Activates perforation skip. When"
"print position enters the region"
"below the bottom margin, print"
"position skips to the top margin on"
"the next page."
CODES = 27,38,108,49,76
NAME = "Perforation Skip OFF"
DESC = "Deactivates perforation skip."
CODES = 27,38,108,48,76
NAME = "Clear Horizontal Margins"
DESC = "Resets both the left and right"
CODES = 27,57
NAME = "Set Left Margin"
DESC = "Set the left margin."
CODES = 27,38,97,0
"Please enter character column"
"position in which to set the left"
"margin in ASCII."
" "
"Example: Entering ""15"" while"
"printer is in 10 cpi, would set the"
"left margin at 1 1/2""."
NAME = "Set Right Margin"
DESC = "Set the right margin."
CODES = 27,38,97,0
"Please enter character column"
"position in which to set the right"
"margin in ASCII."
" "
"Example: Entering ""80"" while"
"printer is in 10 cpi, would set the"
"right margin at 8""."
NAME = "Set Top Margin"
DESC = "Set the top margin. (Top margin"
"ignored when perforation skip off.)"
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please enter number of lines to"
"define in the top margin in ASCII."
" "
"Example: Entering ""12"" while"
"printer is in 6 lpi, would set the"
"top margin at 2""."
NAME = "Set Text Length (Bottom Margin)"
DESC = "Set the bottom margin via setting"
"the text length. (Text Length"
"ignored when perforation skip off.)"
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please enter number of lines to set"
"the text length at in ASCII."
" "
"Under the following settings:"
" "
" Line spacing: 6 lpi"
" Page length: 66 lines (11"")"
" Top Margin: 6 lines (1"")"
" Perforation Skip: On"
"To set a 1"" bottom margin, you must"
"set the text length to 54 lines"
"since page length (66) minus top"
"margin (6) minus desired bottom"
"margin (6) = 54. Thus you would"
"enter ""54""."
NAME = "Set Horizontal Motion Index"
DESC = "Set the character spacing in 120ths"
"of an inch. (Does not affect"
"proportional spaced characters.)"
CODES = 27,38,107,0
"Please enter new character spacing"
"in increments of 120ths of an inch,"
"in ASCII."
" "
"Range: ""0"" to ""126""."
" "
"Example: Entering ""20"" sets"
"character spacing at 20/120"" or"
"1/6 of an inch."
NAME = "Set Vertical Motion Index"
DESC = "Set the line spacing in 48ths"
"of an inch."
CODES = 27,38,108,0
"Please enter new line spacing in"
"increments of 48ths of an inch,"
"in ASCII."
" "
"Range: ""0"" to ""126""."
" "
"Example: Entering ""8"" sets line"
"feeds to 8/48"", or 6 lines per"
NAME = "Set Line Terminator"
DESC = "Define how carriage return (CR),"
"line feed (LF), and form feed (FF)"
"are interpreted by the printer."
CODES = 27,38,107,0
"Please select interpretation by"
"entering one of the following in"
" "
"""0"" - CR=CR, LF=LF, FF=FF"
"""1"" - CR=CR/LF, LF=LF, FF=FF"
"""2"" - CR=CR, LF=CR/LF, FF=CR/FF"
"""3"" - CR=CR/LF, LF=CR/LF, FF=CR/FF"
NAME = "End-of-line Wrap ON"
DESC = "Activate end-of-line wraparound."
"Any text that extends beyond the"
"defined right margin or the"
"physical line length will wrap"
"around to the next line."
CODES = 27,38,115,48,67
NAME = "End-of-line Wrap OFF"
DESC = "Deactivate end-of-line wraparound."
"Any text that extends beyond the"
"defined right margin or the"
"physical line length will be"
CODES = 27,38,115,49,67